13503 Inglês > Curso de piloto - Prova 2022
What leads the author to question what was said previously?

Read the extract below and then answer the question.

An old saw among pilots is that you use a checklist for actions you perform on every flight, such as lowering the landing gear, but for a very rare event, such as an engine fire, you’re required to perform the proper actions from memory. Does that make sense?

Available at: https://airfactsjournal.com/2021/08/checklist-vs-memory-items/

a) These events are rare and therefore do not deserve attention from operators.
b) The saw does not reflect what happens in real life. This is an old nonsense gossip that should be dropped
c) The checklist should not be allowed for routine procedures. Furthermore, it is dangerous to require pilots to memorize procedures.
d) The operating procedures seem inconsistent when comparing the two situations.

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