15924 Inglês > CFSd - PROVA 2023
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A Serbian volleyball player suspended after making anti-Asian racist gesture during match against Thailand

A Serbian volleyball player has been suspended for two matches after she was caught on camera stretching her eyelids — a racist gesture used to mock people with Asian heritage — during an international competition between Serbia and Thailand.

Sanja Djurdjevic violated the sport’s disciplinary rules on June 1 while competing in the match in Italy, according to a statement given Tuesday from the FIVB Disciplinary Panel Sub-Committee.

In addition to the suspension, the independent body, which is responsible for imposing disciplinary sanctions within FIVB competitions, fined Serbia’s volleyball federation the equivalent of $22,000. According to the panel, the FIVB will donate the money to a cause dedicated to tackling discriminatory behavior and/or to fund educational programs on cultural sensitivity.

Fonte: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/06/09/sport/serbian-volleyball-player-anti-asian-racist-gesture-sptintl/index.html

a) Além da suspensão da jogadora, a federação de vôlei da Sérvia foi multada no valor equivalente a $22.000.
b) Por ter sido um ato pessoal praticado pela jogadora, apenas ela será punida, não havendo qualquer punição ou sanção para a federação da Sérvia.
c) O valor arrecadado com a multa será doado às causas destinadas ao combate ao comportamento discriminatório ou para financiar programas educacionais sobre sensibilidade cultural.
d) Segundo o texto, a jogadora violou regras disciplinares do esporte durante a partida que ocorreu na Itália.

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